tank project: Yonezawa biogas plant
Year of realization
Name of project
Foreign supplier
scope of delivery
React Yonezawa Biogas Plant
GLS Tanks International
1 enamelled steel tank ø 8m x H 4.37 with enamelled steel roof, central mixer, heat pipes and various accessories
1 enamelled steel tank ø 26 x H 7.25 with 2 side entry mixers and 2 submersible mixers, heat pipes and various accessories
1 enamelled steel tank ø 2 x H 7.25 with 1 side entry mixer and 1 submersible mixer, heat pipes and various accessories
Louise de Colignystraat 24 1055
RJ Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tel: +31-970-10587405
1-4-6, Shin-kiba, Koto-ku, Tokyo
136-0082, Japan
Fax: +81-3-4540-9800
Tel: +81-3-4540-9802